L’importante è che nevichi (The unflagging desire)

Dear Friends, Partners and Intelligent Investors, La forza di gravità del mercato è la combinazione di due influenze determinanti : l’inflazione e i tassi di interesse. L’azione della FED è volta a frenare l’inflazione (alzando i tassi) e “creando” un accenno di recessione o frenando l’economia americana che ha viaggiato dal 2020 ad oggi a velocità molto sostenuta. La…

Naples, why not?

Wanna move to the Bahamas? Sir John Templeton achieved better results from there for his Fund than the previous 20 years spent living in Wall Street. And what about Aruba or any place in the Caribbean? Well, they are all wonderful and many more we can add to the list. But I always try to…

Boredom is fun

In investing Boredom is fun. True investing or Intelligent Investing incorporates boredom and requires boredom as one of its components. It’s a fact. It is one of its main traits. If you are capable of a sound big decision you don’t wiggle around much. It’s not only the fourth law of motion by Buffett (“For…

Letter to partners

“There are undoubtedly more mercurially-tempered people in the stock market now than for a many good years and the duration of their stay will be limited to how long they think profits can be made quickly and effortlessly(…) I make no attempt to forecast the general market – my efforts are devoted to finding undervalued…