Article 2

Let’s go back to this good book I recommend to everyone : “the Snowball” by Alice Shroeder (Bantam Books). The subtitle “The business of Life” tells in few words many many things. It has to do with the concept that life and business are very co-related but  deeper than that It’s probably about going where…


So Blikebuffett is for everyone, rich and poor, young and old. I personally hope that also kids can have fun and start very soon in finding the world of business an exciting play-field. Blikebuffett we’ll work well for  optimistics but why not, maybe it could give food for thoughts to congenital pessimistics. Never say never…

Article 4

The aim is to develop your own life habits and investment habits by taking advantage of someone’s experience, and mistakes. And if this someone is a prodigy, a special and talented investor and business man, there I go. So be like Buffett means to learn a method, some life skills that come from his advices,…

Article 3

The aim is to develop your own life habits and investment habits by taking advantage of someone’s experience, and mistakes. And if this someone is a prodigy, a special and talented investor and business man, there I go. So be like Buffett means to learn a method, some life skills that come from his advices,…

Article 2

What am I trying to do here with so a pretentious title like pretending is possible being like Buffett? As I explained already is more complex than that. At the same time, as Charlie Munger would put the question, if you don’t have some great expectations, and keep the things simple. You’ d be better…