The best is yet to come

Your first approach to “Value” is critical. So it’s important to have and education about this as a young individual. Or, even if you don’t start very young, your first understanding of investing is equally important. I find totally unuseful to talk for hours with people that already think they know about stocks or investing…

“Future is never clear”, WB 1979

Il futuro non e’ mai chiaro. Se aspettate che lo sia, siete già in ritardo per comprare azioni. Quando Wall Street naviga attraverso l’incertezza del momento è proprio quello il momento giusto per i migliori affari, per i migliori acquisti. “The future is never clear; you pay a very high price in the stock market…

Graham part 4

Buffett since many years admitted he did change some of the “rules” he learned from Graham, and, most of all, he added new principles and concepts to investing, or better, to finding super-wonderful businesses. But you can’t  really understand easily Buffett or Munger without having in mind the lessons of Graham before. Without studying and…

Ben Graham , first part

I was born september 15th 1976, 6 days later Ben Graham died, age 82. Graham still is, as he was, modern and old-fashioned at the same time. He reminds me of an italian quote :”Torniamo al passato, sarà un progresso”! that is “Let’s go back to the past, it will be a progress”!  Especially when…

Ben Graham, second part

Many investors are acting on the stock market basing their decisions upon looking or thinking about what the others will do. And so it goes the same old story. “Let’s sell before they sell” they say.. Mr. Market is repeating himself, as the human nature always does historically, being what it is. Driven too much…

Ferrari Index

Andiamo fuori tema se parliamo di Cars come investimento? Cosa direbbe Buffett? Direbbe che non producendo denaro la tua Ferrari o McLaren non è un investimento in senso tecnico stretto ma una speculazione. Cioè un oggetto, come una tela d’autore, in cui tu paghi un prezzo per un valore difficilmente calcolabile e speri che un…

Speaking of Ben Franklin today

I read somewhere that the word “self-evident” in the “Declaration of Independence” was a Ben Franklin’s substitution for a more articulated and complex number of words by Thomas Jefferson regarding Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. If you take a look at the manuscript of the Declaration you’ll find this correction hand-written above. Albeit…