Article 1
I feel I had an incredible advantage in approaching the study of the investment industry by coming from a very disciplined field of study: jazz music. In jazz you learn to transcribe the music, the solos of the giants. You don’t read books about them or so, you transcribe their speeches. Then you don-t go gigging around playing those same notes you know by heart, but you-ll look for your own voice. You don-t have to be Colrane but you can “sound-like” Coltrane. Or be more like Sonny Rollins. So let’s sound like Buffett, let’s find our own voice by listening to the giants. And believe me, the Mozart of all investors is Mr. Warren E. Buffett.
One young man came to visit Mozart ….and says > Mozart I want to write symphonies, and Mozart says “How old are you”? He answers “23”. Mozart says: “You’re too young to write symphonies” But he says, “You were writing symphonies at the age of 10 y.o.” . Mozart says: “Yes, but I wasn’t asking other people how to do it”.