From the Presidential Medal
of Freedom presentation

Warren E. Buffett : as a world-known investor and philanthropist, Warren E. Buffett business acumen is matched only by his dedication to improve the lives of others. He is the co/founder of the Giving Pledge, an
organization that encourages wealthy Americans to donate at least 50percent of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

Warren Buffett’s example of Generosity and Compassion has shown us the power of one individual’s determination in inspiring countless women and men to help make our world a brighter place.

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Article 1

I feel I had an incredible advantage in approaching the study of the investment industry by coming from a very disciplined field of study: jazz music. In jazz you learn to transcribe the music, the solos of the giants. You don’t read books about them or so, you transcribe their speeches. Then you don-t go gigging around playing those same notes you know by heart, but you-ll look for your own voice.  You don-t have to be Colrane but you can “sound-like” Coltrane. Or be more like Sonny Rollins. So let’s sound like Buffett, let’s find our own voice by listening to the giants. And believe me, the Mozart of all investors is Mr. Warren E. Buffett.

One young man came to visit Mozart ….and says > Mozart I want to write symphonies, and Mozart says “How old are you”? He answers “23”. Mozart says: “You’re too young to write symphonies” But he says, “You were writing symphonies at the age of 10 y.o.” . Mozart says: “Yes, but I wasn’t asking other people how to do it”.

Article 2

Let’s go back to this good book I recommend to everyone : “the Snowball” by Alice Shroeder (Bantam Books). The subtitle “The business of Life” tells in few words many many things. It has to do with the concept that life and business are very co-related but  deeper than that It’s probably about going where “the adventure is” and have no fear. And manage well your life while doing the things you love. So if you can manage well your life, you will manage eventually well your business. And life and business will be together one enriching the other, in a positive and wonderful vicious-circle of reciprocal accomplishment.

“Don’t sleepwalk through like” it’s the Warren’s advice that best describes how a life should be lived, no matter the different styles or approach to your talents, your attitude, your business.

It doesn’t matter if you want to be an artist, a painter, a musician, an architect. You can’t just sit around and wait, unless you’re thinking. But even after a long thinking and waiting there’ll be the time in which you have to swing. And if you have thought well, studied intensely; if you know what you’re doing : you’ll swing good and big.

“You can become to enormous degree the person you wanna be”. You’ll probably not be just like Buffett but you’ll be yourself and a better person. And that is not a small achievement at all.


So Blikebuffett is for everyone, rich and poor, young and old. I personally hope that also kids can have fun and start very soon in finding the world of business an exciting play-field. Blikebuffett we’ll work well for  optimistics but why not, maybe it could give food for thoughts to congenital pessimistics. Never say never and I guess it’s never too late. Because it’s a long journey we’re talkin’ about. And Blikebuffett would be about the long journey of how we can be better persons . In the wonderful book “The snowball” by Alice Shroeder Buffett himself talks in wonderful terms about what his father was able to teach him. He said that showing him to be humble and consistent, to be faithful about your determinations and the word given , he tought  him about how a life should be lived. From there, from knowing what you are doing well probably starts the whole adventure. The adventure of the entrepreneur, of the businessman, of the investor.

Article 4

The aim is to develop your own life habits and investment habits by taking advantage of someone’s experience, and mistakes. And if this someone is a prodigy, a special and talented investor and business man, there I go. So be like Buffett means to learn a method, some life skills that come from his advices, his life, his intelligent considerations and reflections. You can introduce in your everyday life his judgments, his evaluations. In the long run You have to make them yours, part of your life.

They can be useful also in the investment field but they can work very well in your life. To be a better human being, a lovable partner or friend, a patient investor and a successful business man and negotiator.

At least, all else equal, they would keep you far from some disaster and mistakes that many people experience in their lives.

I feel I want to share this incredible amount of knowledge because they are unbiased suggestions and they work. Some people will criticize them because they are so simple. As I mentioned, Like all the very good stuff,  it’s so easy but that difficult.

Article 3

The aim is to develop your own life habits and investment habits by taking advantage of someone’s experience, and mistakes. And if this someone is a prodigy, a special and talented investor and business man, there I go. So be like Buffett means to learn a method, some life skills that come from his advices, his life, his intelligent considerations and reflections. You can introduce in your everyday life his judgments, his evaluations. In the long run You have to make them yours, part of your life.

They can be useful also in the investment field but they can work very well in your life. To be a better human being, a lovable partner or friend, a patient investor and a successful business man and negotiator.

At least, all else equal, they would keep you far from some disaster and mistakes that many people experience in their lives.

I feel I want to share this incredible amount of knowledge because they are unbiased suggestions and they work. Some people will criticize them because they are so simple. As I mentioned, Like all the very good stuff,  it’s so easy but that difficult.

Article 2

What am I trying to do here with so a pretentious title like pretending is possible being like Buffett? As I explained already is more complex than that. At the same time, as Charlie Munger would put the question, if you don’t have some great expectations, and keep the things simple. You’ d be better off in life and also in understanding what I’m trying to share here.

So I wish you’ll end up like me to the conclusion that you can’t be like Buffett. And that’s not a hell of a low expectation from your life! Many of us would go for achieving a 1/20.000 of his net worth that is around 4 million dollars. But The thing is that you don’t have to focus obsessively on making money everyday and being rich if you want to build durable and true wealth in your life. You don’t have to focus on being another to be the person you want to be. But you can follow the best advices of the best people you can find around you. Advices that are unbiased and that work. I think that’s the way to find your own wealthy path in life. And enjoy everyday with the others in doing so. In that case you’ll be happy everyday even just only trying to find this path. I guarantee you that’s amazing and wonderful. That’s why in this sense we all wanna be like Buffett and walk in his same golden track.

You wanna want that more than being like him. Be yourself will be more fun. I’m sure.

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Last posts

Article 1

I feel I had an incredible advantage in approaching the study of the investment industry by coming from a very disciplined field of study: jazz music. In jazz you learn to transcribe the music, the solos of the giants. You don’t read books about them or so, you transcribe their speeches. Then you don-t go gigging around playing those same notes you know by heart, but you-ll look for your own voice.  You don-t have to be Colrane but you can “sound-like” Coltrane. Or be more like Sonny Rollins. So let’s sound like Buffett, let’s find our own voice by listening to the giants. And believe me, the Mozart of all investors is Mr. Warren E. Buffett.

One young man came to visit Mozart ….and says > Mozart I want to write symphonies, and Mozart says “How old are you”? He answers “23”. Mozart says: “You’re too young to write symphonies” But he says, “You were writing symphonies at the age of 10 y.o.” . Mozart says: “Yes, but I wasn’t asking other people how to do it”.

Article 2

Let’s go back to this good book I recommend to everyone : “the Snowball” by Alice Shroeder (Bantam Books). The subtitle “The business of Life” tells in few words many many things. It has to do with the concept that life and business are very co-related but  deeper than that It’s probably about going where “the adventure is” and have no fear. And manage well your life while doing the things you love. So if you can manage well your life, you will manage eventually well your business. And life and business will be together one enriching the other, in a positive and wonderful vicious-circle of reciprocal accomplishment.

“Don’t sleepwalk through like” it’s the Warren’s advice that best describes how a life should be lived, no matter the different styles or approach to your talents, your attitude, your business.

It doesn’t matter if you want to be an artist, a painter, a musician, an architect. You can’t just sit around and wait, unless you’re thinking. But even after a long thinking and waiting there’ll be the time in which you have to swing. And if you have thought well, studied intensely; if you know what you’re doing : you’ll swing good and big.

“You can become to enormous degree the person you wanna be”. You’ll probably not be just like Buffett but you’ll be yourself and a better person. And that is not a small achievement at all.


So Blikebuffett is for everyone, rich and poor, young and old. I personally hope that also kids can have fun and start very soon in finding the world of business an exciting play-field. Blikebuffett we’ll work well for  optimistics but why not, maybe it could give food for thoughts to congenital pessimistics. Never say never and I guess it’s never too late. Because it’s a long journey we’re talkin’ about. And Blikebuffett would be about the long journey of how we can be better persons . In the wonderful book “The snowball” by Alice Shroeder Buffett himself talks in wonderful terms about what his father was able to teach him. He said that showing him to be humble and consistent, to be faithful about your determinations and the word given , he tought  him about how a life should be lived. From there, from knowing what you are doing well probably starts the whole adventure. The adventure of the entrepreneur, of the businessman, of the investor.

Article 4

The aim is to develop your own life habits and investment habits by taking advantage of someone’s experience, and mistakes. And if this someone is a prodigy, a special and talented investor and business man, there I go. So be like Buffett means to learn a method, some life skills that come from his advices, his life, his intelligent considerations and reflections. You can introduce in your everyday life his judgments, his evaluations. In the long run You have to make them yours, part of your life.

They can be useful also in the investment field but they can work very well in your life. To be a better human being, a lovable partner or friend, a patient investor and a successful business man and negotiator.

At least, all else equal, they would keep you far from some disaster and mistakes that many people experience in their lives.

I feel I want to share this incredible amount of knowledge because they are unbiased suggestions and they work. Some people will criticize them because they are so simple. As I mentioned, Like all the very good stuff,  it’s so easy but that difficult.

Article 3

The aim is to develop your own life habits and investment habits by taking advantage of someone’s experience, and mistakes. And if this someone is a prodigy, a special and talented investor and business man, there I go. So be like Buffett means to learn a method, some life skills that come from his advices, his life, his intelligent considerations and reflections. You can introduce in your everyday life his judgments, his evaluations. In the long run You have to make them yours, part of your life.

They can be useful also in the investment field but they can work very well in your life. To be a better human being, a lovable partner or friend, a patient investor and a successful business man and negotiator.

At least, all else equal, they would keep you far from some disaster and mistakes that many people experience in their lives.

I feel I want to share this incredible amount of knowledge because they are unbiased suggestions and they work. Some people will criticize them because they are so simple. As I mentioned, Like all the very good stuff,  it’s so easy but that difficult.

Article 2

What am I trying to do here with so a pretentious title like pretending is possible being like Buffett? As I explained already is more complex than that. At the same time, as Charlie Munger would put the question, if you don’t have some great expectations, and keep the things simple. You’ d be better off in life and also in understanding what I’m trying to share here.

So I wish you’ll end up like me to the conclusion that you can’t be like Buffett. And that’s not a hell of a low expectation from your life! Many of us would go for achieving a 1/20.000 of his net worth that is around 4 million dollars. But The thing is that you don’t have to focus obsessively on making money everyday and being rich if you want to build durable and true wealth in your life. You don’t have to focus on being another to be the person you want to be. But you can follow the best advices of the best people you can find around you. Advices that are unbiased and that work. I think that’s the way to find your own wealthy path in life. And enjoy everyday with the others in doing so. In that case you’ll be happy everyday even just only trying to find this path. I guarantee you that’s amazing and wonderful. That’s why in this sense we all wanna be like Buffett and walk in his same golden track.

You wanna want that more than being like him. Be yourself will be more fun. I’m sure.